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Thriving in an Unsweetened World

A Little About My Journey

I have struggled with sugar addiction my whole life.  I can remember sneaking cookies before anyone else woke up in the morning, even as a toddler, and was never able to eat sugar in moderation. Once I hit puberty this addiction caused me to gain weight and so I started dieting, which led to a diet/binge cycle that lasted decades. After college, I struggled more and more with weight control and grew increasingly more frustrated around food.  I tried every diet, workout method, therapist, alternative modality and vitamin/supplement regimen known.  NOTHING worked. 


Fast forward to my early 30's and I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and struggled to get pregnant. I read more and more about sugar addiction.  I tried giving it up numerous times, but it never lasted and the ensuing binge would last at least twice as long as however long I managed to be off of sugar.  It was depressing and exhausting.  I was finally able to get pregnant and now have two young children that take up a lot of my time and energy.  

A few years ago, I decided to focus on my health and not continue this sugar battle into my 40's. I attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and became a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with the hope of helping myself so that I could help others. Throughout the program, I felt like I was getting closer to solving this complex puzzle. I finally read an article about food addiction that recommended abstaining from ALL sugar and ALL flour to really overcome the addiction. I was terrified at the idea but committed to doing it for one year, beginning in January of 2018.  Having reached that initial goal, I feel amazing and confident—and am now happily committed to living a sugar-free, flour-free lifestyle for life.  

I am one of the first to be certified in The Belief Code, a healing modality that uses a combination of science-backed psychological and neurological techniques, as well as Eastern healing techniques, it is an extremely powerful and effective way to clear and heal traumas that may be affecting your life. I am also certified in The Emotion Code and The Body Code, two powerful methods of finding and releasing trapped emotions in the body that are often at the root of many physical ailments, depression, anxiety and just plain old feeling stuck. I got certified because they have helped me so much in my own recovery. For years I used sugar as a way to numb my feelings and so when I stopped eating sugar and flour, I had to not only learn how to actually feel the uncomfortable feelings again but how to process some of the emotions I had neglected for decades. The Belief Code, The Emotion Code and The Body Code are the most effective ways I found to help me do this. They are really powerful tools for anyone looking to clear emotions that are trapped inside the body and might be causing physical, mental or emotional discomfort. 

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Read Your Labels

Read labels! Sugar is added to so many things and goes by so many names.  Read, read, read your labels and familiarize yourself with sugar's many names .


Pamper Yourself

Pamper yourself.  Create rituals that replenish and fill you with joy.  My favorite ritual? Sunday night bubble bath and

face mask.  


Stay Confident

Just do you! There are going to be people that don't support you along the way and that's okay.  Stay confident knowing you are doing the best for you!


Don't Diet

Don't diet.  We all know that diets don't work long-term.  We have all lost weight only to gain back double the amount.  Giving up all sugar and all flour is a lifestyle change. Don't try to diet too!

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